Eukaryotic Books

  • Welcome to a World of... Cells
    A friendly cell introduces the concept of cells, their functions, and the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  • Fred's Adventure Through the Cell
    Bob the king of cells takes Fred on an adventure to learn about different parts of a cell, including the cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondria, and more.
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  • The Lonely Cells
    Prokaryotic, a new cell in Organville, befriends Eukaryotic despite their differences. They learn that friendship can thrive despite diversity.
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  • Eukaryotic Cells: Organelles
    An informative book about organelles in a cell, their functions, and structures.
  • The Village of Cells
    A description of a microscopic village called Cell Village, where different organelles represent various buildings and functions.
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  • Relations of a Cell
    This story explores the differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, using analogies to a hotel. It discusses the functions and locations of various cell parts in an…
  • Plant Cells with Lady Cat.
    It is based off of beyblade burst and Demon king. Cat is a friend of Shu's, Valt's, Akira's, and Santoku's. Cat is really smart.
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  • Cells
    An informative book about cells, their types, and the process of mitosis. It also provides definitions of related terms.
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