Everglades Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • The Florida Everglades
    An alphabetical book about the Everglades National Park, showcasing its animals, plants, and history.
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  • Adventures Through The Everglades
    The story is a collection of narratives from different perspectives about the Everglades. It starts with a cloud's perspective on its role in the ecosystem, followed by an al…
  • Florida Everglades by Reshma Mulchan
    An informational book about the Everglades National Park, its history, animals, and plants.
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    An alphabetical guide to Florida, covering its anthem, bird, capital, dolphin, Everglades, flag, gem, horse conch, island, juice, Key West, location, motto, nickname, orange …
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  • Beatrice Learns E. Science
    Beatrice explores the cypress swamps of the Everglades, discussing the cypress tree, animals, and threats. The story ends abruptly.
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  • The Everglades: Florida's Wild Treasure
    A group of animal friends in the Everglades discover their home is being destroyed for an airport. They team up with Marjory Stoneman Douglas to protest and successfully stop…
  • A narrative story
    Mess'ies Willis goes on a trip to Florida with his family, overcoming his fear of flying and enjoying various activities.
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