Everyday Objects Books

  • How to make simple everyday objects
    Instructions on how to make LEGO blocks, pasta, and masquerade glasses. The story ends with a teaser for upcoming content.
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  • The Adventures Of Alayna
    A girl named Layney uses her imagination to turn everyday objects into exciting adventures.
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  • Plant Cell
    A description of various parts of a plant cell and their functions, using analogies to everyday objects.
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  • What is it made of? Natural Resources and what we use them for
    This book is about the materials we use to make everyday objects and where we get those materials from. It addresses the Pre-primary science syllabus topic "What things are m…
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  • Gus's Triangles
    Learn about the different types of triangles and where they can be seen in everyday life.
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    A brief description of different parts of a plant cell and their comparisons to everyday objects.
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  • The parts of an animal cell
    An informative book about the different organelles in a cell and their functions, using relatable comparisons to everyday objects.
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  • Animal Cells
    An informational book about the organelles of an animal cell, providing descriptions and comparisons to everyday objects.
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