Exam Books

  • Back Up Duck!
    A duck realizes how much life is clearer (and safer) after he gets glasses from the eye doctor.
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  • Going to the Doctor
    Luke is nervous about going to the doctor for the first time, but with the help of his friends and their positive experiences, he overcomes his fear and realizes that it's no…
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  • Chris Hadfield the Chicken Hero
    A chicken named Chris dreams of becoming an astronaut, goes to school, excels in exams, and finally fulfills his dream by going on a space mission.
  • My First Picture Book
    David and Jane are friends. Jane is addicted to social media and doesn't like reading, but David tries to convince her. In the end, Jane decides to read a book and passes her…
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    Jane, who is addicted to social media, doesn't like reading. David, a clever boy, tries to convince her to read a book so she can pass an exam.
  • The adventure of Andres
    Andres observes Isaac being bullied by Two Beat and helps him become assertive. They all become friends and work together to study for an exam.
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  • The Adventures of Mayura The New Girl
    Veronica is the new student she becomes friends with Mayura is she good or bad , and will she pass this year ,

    only one way to find out ,

    read t…
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    A story about a student who procrastinates studying for an exam and ends up failing, but learns a lesson from it.
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