Exocytosis Books

  • Types of Cellular Transport in Cells
    An informative book about the cell and its various parts, including the cell membrane. It explains different types of cellular transport, such as diffusion, osmosis, endocyto…
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  • celluar transport
    An informational book about the cell and its processes, including diffusion, endocytosis, exocytosis, and osmosis.
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  • The Hemoglobin Goblin
    Hemoglobin Goblin, a goblin responsible for transporting oxygen, saves his city by changing his DNA and sending out an important message.
  • The movement of Substances
    An informative book explaining the different types of passive and active transport in cells.
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  • Broccoli's BIG Test
    Broccoli and Potato study for a science test on cell division, chemistry, and transport with the help of Cell Man.
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  • The Science Quest
    A boy named Charlie and his best friend Lyla are sent on a quest to find answers for the princess.
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  • The Trip to Transport
    Three molecules, Wally, Olivia, and George, go on a field trip to learn about the cell membrane and its transport processes.
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  • Cell Processes and Transport
    A list of definitions and explanations about DNA, translation, RNA, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, solute, solvent, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, facilitated diffu…
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