Exotic Plants Books

    Pappagallo is a happy, popular parrot who lives at the local bird sanctuary. Despite getting a second chance at life, Pappagallo can't help but compare himself to other birds…
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    A discover Sri Lanka book for children ages 4 to 8 years written by a Montessori Teacher from Sri Lanka
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  • Florida Everglades by Reshma Mulchan
    An informational book about the Everglades National Park, its history, animals, and plants.
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  • The Adventures of Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, with the help of Sacagawea.
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  • Eating the Fruit Alphabet!
    An alphabetical list of fruits with brief descriptions and facts about each one.
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  • The mysterious key
    Emily, an adventurous girl, finds a mysterious key in the woods. It leads her to a hidden garden full of beauty and enchantment.
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  • Wonders of DR Congo
    A book about the wonders of different provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with information on their attractions, culture, and people.
  • Nature's Creations
    Explore our Planet Earth and find out facts about canyons, grasslands, tundra, rainforests and more!
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