Facilitated Diffusion Books

  • The Trip to Transport
    Three molecules, Wally, Olivia, and George, go on a field trip to learn about the cell membrane and its transport processes.
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  • Diary of a Glucose Molecule
    The story follows a glucose molecule named Henry as he travels through the digestive system and circulatory system, learning about different organs and processes along the wa…
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  • Just Keep Transporting!
    Nemo and his friends go on an underwater adventure, learning about biology concepts like passive transport, diffusion, high concentration, phagocytosis, active transport, osm…
  • The story of active and passive transport
    An educational story explaining the concepts of passive and active transport in a simple and relatable way.
  • Biology Children's Book Project
    An introduction to various scientific concepts and terms related to biology, including animalia, biology, cells, decomposers, eukaryotes, facilitated diffusion, genes, heredi…
  • Cell Processes and Transport
    A list of definitions and explanations about DNA, translation, RNA, passive transport, diffusion, osmosis, solute, solvent, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic, facilitated diffu…
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  • Biology vocabulary
    This is an informative text that provides a comprehensive introduction to biology. It covers various topics such as the scientific method, biochemistry, cell structure and fu…
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  • The movement of Substances
    An informative book explaining the different types of passive and active transport in cells.
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