Facing Fears Books

  • The Brave Girl and Scared Monster
    Who's afraid of whom? Facing our fears can help us conquer them.
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  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
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  • My Best Friend Written By: Claudia Fisch Illustrated By: Ava Wagner
    A girl overcomes her fear of dogs and adopts a beagle, finding happiness in facing her fears.
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  • Sturdy
    A little table faces challenges and finds strength in acts of kindness, reminding us to embrace our uniqueness and touch the lives of others.
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  • Dom and the Big Balloon
    A story of friendship and overcoming fears with a little help from your friends. Wonderful photography accompanies the charming story of a puppet who wants to ride in a hot a…
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  • Maya and Lizzy Go to the Beach
    Maya and Lizzy celebrate Maya's birthday at the beach, facing challenges and having fun. Will Maya overcome her fear of the ocean to retrieve a lost beach ball?
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  • Olivia Facing her Fears
    Olivia, a little girl with a magical fairy named Lola, overcomes her fear of aliens when she meets friendly ones in outer space.
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  • The Bunny and the Dinosaur
    A children's story about a bunny, Charles, and a dinosaur, Sandy, who overcome obstacles in order to find a carrot field. They end up becoming friends, and learn about the tr…
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