Failure Books

  • The Ocean Failures
    Cooper wakes up to find the coast of North Carolina filled with trash. He goes on a boat ride, encounters a shark, and narrowly escapes. Inspired, he takes action to address …
  • Spot Goes to College
    Spot, a dog, goes to college and faces challenges. With his dad's support, he learns that failure is part of learning and eventually graduates.
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  • If You Don't do Your Geometry Project...
    A chain of consequences is described if a student doesn't do their geometry project, leading to failing the subject and repeating it.
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  • Cloudy with a chance of TACOS
    Dr. Edwards, a mad scientist in Tacoville, creates the first taco but fails to impress until Taco Tuesday arrives.
  • Fidel Castro's Successes & Failures
    A brief overview of Fidel Castro's failures, successes, and his involvement in the Cold War.
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    A boy named Ridham, who is poor in studies, learns the importance of perseverance and hard work after a moment of self-reflection near the sea.
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  • Mr. Moomemoocow
    the narrators eyes show up all bunched up. this will not show up in the physical book. they will be in the right place.
  • Success and Failures in JFK Life
    A brief overview of JFK's successes and failures as the 35th President of the United States, including his foreign policy achievements and the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile C…
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