Famine Books

  • The True Story of the Potato Famine
    The True Story of the Potato Famine in Ireland, from the introduction of potatoes to the devastating effects of disease and famine.
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  • Irish Potato Famine
    A detailed overview of the Irish potato famine, including its causes, effects, and impact on other countries.
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  • The Great Irish Famine
    The story provides an overview of the Irish potato famine, including its causes, impact on life and emigration, and the conditions during that time.
  • CHICK (part I )
    A family faces starvation during a famine. The youngest child, Chick, uses stones and crumbs to find their way home when they are abandoned in the woods.
  • Flooded
    Sue, a young girl in the town of Nami, tries to save her dying town from famine by seeking help from Poseidon, but her actions lead to a devastating tsunami.
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  • The Great Famine
    The story of Joseph and his brothers during the great famine in Egypt, their reunion, and the impact of Joseph's leadership.
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    This book provides brief explanations of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, cyclones, and droughts. It also includes a section on famine.
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  • Genisis Chapters 40-42 in 3 Minutes
    The story follows the dreams of the Pharaoh and Joseph's interpretation, leading to a plan to survive a drought.
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