Far East Books

  • Marco Polo
    The story of Marco Polo, a merchant and explorer who traveled to China and the Far East, and his adventures and experiences there.
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  • The Nativity Story
    The story of the birth of Jesus, as told through the perspectives of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men.
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  • Grandpa and the Great, Big, Giant Coronavirus
    Grandpa explains to Sam about the COVID-19 pandemic, its origins, how it spread, and the measures taken to control it. He also explains concepts like viruses, vaccines, and h…
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  • The Green Man and Brown Mountain by L.Adamson
    A boy's love of nature awakens the Green Man of old. Captivating story based on true events to save Brown Mountain in East Gippsland, Victoria.
    Delightful illustrations.…
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  • All About Tigers
    This book provides information about different species of tigers, their diet, characteristics, habitat, lifespan, predators, groups, and weight.
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  • Merissa The Magic Mermaid
    A little mermaid named Merissa befriends a seal named Slippy and together they search for a special land friend for Merissa. They find a baby girl named Madison and Merissa b…
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  • The Missing Flower
    East or west home is best.
    Let's help our friend flower to go back home
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  • Trinidad and Tobago
    A descriptive and informative story about the culture, nature, and festivals of Trinidad and Tobago.
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