Fate Books

  • the last Halloween
    This is a story set in 1965, about four best friends who are all ready to turn 13, and have decided they are too old to go trick or treating on Halloween. The risky plan they…
  • The Key Elements of Mythology
    This story explores the purpose of myths, the tension between opposing forces, the explanation of the origins of life, fate and prophecy, supernatural characters, and quests.
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  • King of the Jungle
    The fate of the jungle rests on a lion and a grasshopper.
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  • The Fate of Faye Spring Book 4
    Faye, a young girl from Anoteros, discovers she is a Beast, a person who can transform into an animal. She learns to embrace her new identity as a falcon and navigates the ch…
  • Pokémon Adventures
    This is a thrilling adventure story about Dylan and Mason, two young boys who embark on a Pokemon journey. They encounter various challenges, including battles with Team Skul…
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  • Gary's Fate
    Gary, a water bottle, goes on a journey from a factory to a store, gets recycled, ends up in the ocean, and eventually finds his purpose as a recycled sweatshirt.
  • The Legend of the Sea
    The story of a young mermaid's quest to reunite with a handsome Viking prince after saving his life one night during a violent storm. A magical tale of love, sacrifice and ad…
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  • The Fates
    The story explores the ancient belief in the three sister-goddesses, The Fates, who controlled the lives and destinies of mortals.
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