Favorite Movie Books

    A dog writes in his diary about a new addition to the household....a cat.
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    A summary of the Twilight Saga, a series of vampire-themed romance fantasy films based on Stephenie Meyer's novels, focusing on Bella Swan's relationships with Edward Cullen …
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  • My favorite movie
    Akkie, an 8th-grade girl who loves football, faces challenges when her classmates doubt her abilities. Tragedy strikes when she is diagnosed with cancer.
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  • my favorite movie
    A description of the movie Avengers Endgame, its success at the box office, the cast, and the genres it belongs to.
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  • My favorite movie
    A boy's favorite movie is about Hachiko, a loyal dog who waits for his owner at the train station every day.
  • Grace & Coco
    Grace's dog, Coco, escapes and goes on an adventure. Grace finds him, teaches him new rules, and rewards him for learning.
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  • My Double Digits Birthday
    Sophia Chilellli is a 3rd grader at PS 35
    in Staten Island, NY. She got the
    opportunity to be a part of
    the school's Emerging Writers Club.
    She learned a l…
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  • Songs From Frozen
    A fan of the movie Frozen shares their favorite scenes and songs, including a giant Olaf singing 'In Summer'.
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