Favorite Subjects Books

  • My First Grade Memories 2019-2020
    A first-grade student named Pasha reflects on their school year, including their teacher, friends, favorite subjects, and special memories.
    Eye Icon 453
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  • School Is Cool
    A young student shares their positive experiences at school, including favorite subjects, friends, and a supportive teacher.
    Eye Icon 339
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  • All About Fast Cars
    A young author shares his passion for fast cars, providing information about their design, racing, and performance.
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  • All About Isabel
    A young child shares their favorite colors, subjects, foods, and personality traits, ending with a message of love and kindness.
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  • All about me in Chinese
    A girl named Ashlyn introduces herself, talks about her birthday, family, pet, favorite food, animal, subject, and an interesting fact.
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  • My School Day
    Hello from various schools in different countries. Students talk about their daily routines, favorite subjects, and activities. They share their experiences and express their…
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  • I am Hillary
    A 10-year-old girl named Hillary introduces herself, her family, favorite subject, hobby, sport, dream job, and favorite festival.
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  • Perfectly Imperfect
    Porsha Perfect, a square, struggles with math and the pressure to be perfect. With the help of her teacher, Ms. Angle, she learns that it's okay to make mistakes and embrace …
    Eye Icon 152
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