Fema Books

  • Tsunamis
    This story provides information about tsunamis, their causes, effects, and how to prepare for them.
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  • How Not To Deal With a Hurricane
    Allen and his friends struggle to survive after a hurricane destroys their home. They search for supplies while waiting for FEMA's help.
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  • Cloudy With A Chance of Sandy
    Jake the Brave must save New York City from an evil troll who wants to destroy the Statue of Joy with a hurricane.
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  • Reemica and the Three Laws
    Reemica, a young girl, encounters the three Laws brothers and learns about physics concepts through their adventures.
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  • Hurricanes
    An informational book about hurricanes, including their definition, examples, recovery process, federal aid, and preparation.
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  • ECONOMIC POLICY OF INDIA 1991 -Shraddha Shrivastav
    This text discusses India's economic crisis in the 1990s, the New Economic Policy, and the concepts of liberalization and privatization, detailing measures taken and their im…
  • Hurricane Katrina
    A description of the causes, impact, and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
  • Final Reflection Paper (Movie - 14 hours)
    The story follows the challenges faced by a hospital during a tropical storm and the heroic efforts of the nurses and staff to evacuate patients and ensure their safety.
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