Ffa Books

  • FFA!
    An introduction to FFA and the various activities and opportunities it offers, including raising animals, participating in judging contests, and attending meetings.
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  • The book of FFA
    A brief introduction to the benefits and facts about joining FFA, a youth organization focused on agriculture and animal raising.
    by ffa
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  • FFA
    A brief introduction to the benefits and activities of FFA, a youth organization focused on agriculture and animal care.
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  • FFA
    A declaration of belief in the future of agriculture, the joys and challenges of farm life, leadership, self-reliance, and the role of American agriculture in national life.
  • Gaming 1:Agar.io
    A guide to the game Agar.io, explaining its gameplay, features, and modes, as well as providing tips and tricks for players.
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  • What is Agriculture?
    An informative book that explains what agriculture is, its various aspects, jobs in the industry, and the role of FFA.
  • Susan's CASE
    An FFA Advisor attends a training program to get new ideas for her animal science class.
  • The Solar System
    This book provides information about the planets in our solar system, including their order from the sun, size, and classification.
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