Filipino Immigrants Books

  • Filipino Americans Hand in Hand
    A young girl learns about the struggles and contributions of early Asian American history, particularly Filipino immigrants, through her father's stories.
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  • My New Home
    A Filipino immigrant shares their experiences of moving to America, including the challenges and new opportunities they encounter.
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  • The Manongs of California
    The story explores the history of Filipino immigrants in California, focusing on their struggles, contributions, and collaboration with Mexican farm workers.
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  • The Delano Strike and Boycott
    The Delano Strike, led by Filipino and Mexican immigrants, demanded higher pay and fair working conditions. It inspired future activism.
  • ʻIke Hawaii 2016: How Sugar Cane Plantations Came to Shape Hawaiʻi Today
    A brief overview of how different immigrant groups influenced Hawaii's culture and history.
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  • A new life
    A young Filipino immigrant in Canada reflects on their family's journey from the Philippines, highlighting the push and pull factors, cultural characteristics, and benefits o…
  • First American, Second Asian: Pag-Asa’s Struggle
    Pag-Asa, a second-generation Filipino-American, navigates cultural identity and assimilation in America, facing challenges at school and with her parents.
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  • Lets take a trip around Hawaii!
    An informative book about Hawaii, its culture, geography, and history, with a focus on vocabulary and facts.
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