Filmmaking Books

  • ABC's of Newscast
    An alphabet book that introduces various aspects of acting and filmmaking, from bloopers to props, with a positive and joyful tone.
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  • Movies
    if you wan't to make your own movie, look no further.
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  • Oscar Micheaux: An American film maker
    The story follows Oscar Micheaux, an African-American filmmaker in the 19th century, who overcame racial barriers to make movies with African-American actors.
  • Copyright Terms
    Jamalsis, a filmmaker, encounters various copyright and plagiarism issues, leading him to learn about fair use and public domain.
  • Mr. Dave makes a movie
    Mr. Dave, a filmmaker, creates a crime movie called 'The Worst Crime Movie.' The story follows the chase and capture of a thief. After filming, Mr. Dave ends the story and bi…
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    Sanjay and Priya make a stop-motion animation movie using dolls and markers. They come up with a story, take pictures, and edit the film.
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  • Macmıllan children's Readers
    Anna and Charlie are interested in cinema. They learn about the different roles in filmmaking and how movies are made.
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  • The tail of a Man
    Abioye, a child of royalty, resists his parents' expectations to follow in his father's government career. He discovers his passion for filmmaking and becomes successful, ear…
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