My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • Mr. Dave goes to UOB Bank with his One Card, encounters Mrs. Kate, and has various adventures along the way.
    by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave fights dengue by following preventive measures and eliminating mosquito breeding grounds.
    by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave goes on an adventure to Gravity Falls with Dipper and Maple Pines, where they visit the moon and eat ice cream.
    by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave visits the Science Centre, explores different exhibits, and expresses his love for science and math.
    by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave, a filmmaker, creates a crime movie called 'The Worst Crime Movie.' The story follows the chase and capture of a thief. After filming, Mr. Dave ends the story and bi…
    by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave goes on a trip to Indonesia with his friends, but they encounter a plane crash and eventually return home.
    by jonathan22
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  • by jonathan22
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  • Mr. Dave is on a quest to find a condo, but each one he visits is under construction. Will he ever find a finished condo?
    by jonathan22
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