Fireman Books

  • The Fire Adventures of Charlie & Ruff!
    This book was a school project for my high school, it's purpose is to educate kids in fire safety in a fun kind of silly way.
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  • When I Grow Up
    Myles explores different professions through dress-up, but ultimately realizes being a child is easier than being a grown-up.
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  • We love you Miss Livingston!!
    A group of first-grade students express their gratitude to Fireman Livingston for his help and support throughout the school year.
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  • Fireman Fred
    Fred, a fireman, faces a dilemma when a fire breaks out at the President's house while he is on his way to get McDonald's. He saves the President and his own house, apprehend…
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  • Fireman On Call
    Lucy, the owner of an ice cream store, seeks help from Brian, a firefighter, to rescue a cat stuck in a tree.
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  • Road Signs ...and lessons along the way
    A Brain Development book for toddlers who respond to abstract art in early childhood by increasing and accelerating neural brain connections. Also, a book to teach toddlers a…
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  • When I Grow Up
    Zakary, a boy, dreams about different professions he could have when he grows up, with the love and support of his family and friends.
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    A story about triangles and a fireman named Sam who uses the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems.
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