Fordism Books

  • Russell's Story on Development
    Russell and Maelynn explain the concept of development, including diffusion, Fordism, post-Fordism, and economic sectors.
  • Industrialization/ Economic Development Unit
    The story provides a basic explanation of industrialization, Fordism, air pollution, global warming, economic development, supranational organizations, MDC vs. LDC, and diffe…
  • Industrialization and Economic Development
    This book provides information on various economic concepts and theories, including economic sectors, least cost theory, development goals, GDP, GNI, postindustrial landscape…
  • Life of Henry Ford
    The story of Henry Ford, an American industrialist and founder of Ford Motor Company, who revolutionized transportation with the Model T and introduced mass production techni…
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    A brief biography of Henry Ford, his achievements, personal problems, and impact on society.
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