Funding Books

  • The Book Of Errors
    A student experiences changes in their school, from a new teacher to a lack of resources, and eventually receives funding for education.
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  • The History Of Minecraft
    A detailed history of the popular game Minecraft, from its humble beginnings to its massive cultural impact and future prospects.
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  • The Crabs Try To Play Volleyball
    Three crabs go on an adventure to play volleyball but face obstacles. They return home and enjoy a meal together.
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  • What Do You Do With The Mad That You Feel?
    A biography of Mister Rogers, his impact on children's television, and his efforts to save funding for public television.
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  • Technology In Education
    Raccoon and Porcupine discuss how technology tools can improve communication in education, as well as the potential drawbacks and enduring issues.
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  • Republic of the People
    A description of a fictional country's government, including its type, leaders, funding, power distribution, and methods of maintaining order.
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  • Casper Holstein
    The story of Caspar Holstein, a mobster who funded artists during the Harlem Renaissance, despite his controversial background.
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    A comparison of the education systems in the UK and Romania, highlighting differences in age of starting school, curriculum, funding, and student choices.
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