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Bob, a Galapagos Tortoise, and his friends face threats from humans and invasive species. An organization steps in to protect them and their population starts to recover.

This informative text provides a detailed account of the Galapagos penguins, their lifestyle, threats they face, and conservation efforts. It covers their physical characteri…

A brief biography of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution through natural selection.

Narice visits and explores various places, including theme parks, Mt. Olympus, space, the Galapagos Islands, the Grand Canyon, and home.
A family goes on a trip to the Galapagos Islands and encounters penguins. One of the children falls into the water but is saved by the penguins.
by Kate Riedell

Amy finds a strange book and wakes up on a mysterious island. She explores the Galapagos Islands, learning about its diverse ecosystems.
by stristencook

A couple's long-awaited trip to the Galapagos Islands, filled with excitement and memorable experiences.
by josepin2712

A short story about a turtle named George who lives in the Galapagos Islands and loves fruits and vegetables.
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