Galileo Books

  • Galileo Galilei
    The story discusses the Scientific Revolution and Galileo's contributions to astronomy, including his impact on the heliocentric model.
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  • History of Galileo
    This story explores the life of Galileo Galilei, his inspirations, inventions, discoveries, and their impact on future generations. It covers his early life, his invention of…
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  • Galileo Galilei
    This story provides a brief biography of Galileo Galilei, his education, and his contributions to astronomy.
  • Galileo Galilei The Galaxy Whisper
    A biography of Galileo Galilei, the famous astronomer and scientist, highlighting his life, discoveries, and impact on society.
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  • Galileo & The Simple Pendulum
    The story of Galileo Galilei, an Italian physicist who made important discoveries about pendulums and their use in clocks.
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  • Planets
    An informative book about the planets in our solar system, providing key facts and characteristics of each planet.
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  • Galileo Galilei
    The story of Galileo Galilei, the father of modern science, his discoveries, and the challenges he faced.
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