Gatlinburg Books

  • The Gatlinburg Fires
    The Gatlinburg fire that killed 14 people was started by two teenagers. The story discusses the fire's impact and a survivor's perspective.
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  • Mia's Journey through the United States
    Mia travels to different cities in the United States, sharing fun facts and her experiences. From Atlanta to Zachary, she explores various places and their unique features.
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  • How Phoenix learned to swim like a big girl.
    A 7-year-old girl learns to swim without a life jacket during a family vacation in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
  • $20 Is All It Took
    Dawn's journey from Florida to South Dakota, her internship at a dairy, meeting Todd, their relationship, and starting a family.
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  • Horse Leader 2 Travel through Time to save the World! Part One
    Horse Leader falls into a strange place and meets a mysterious figure. Confused and scared, he discovers a portal that promises endless hay and apples. but its a trick and he…
  • Joey The Black Bear and the present
    Joey the bear buys a surprise gift for his friend Matt, who loves blankets. Matt is grateful and takes a nap.
  • Horse Leader Travel through time to save the world part 3 but he is taking a break.
    Horse Leader returns to Rocky Top to give kids rides, but faces trouble from Maria and the Evil Horse Leader who wants to control the city and time.
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