Gender Pay Gap Books

  • Because You Chose Kindness...
    Pay It Forward - How one simple act of kindness can create gratitude & kindness in others and can come back to you.
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  • Pirate Pay Back
    Melissalopataless than a minute ago
    This is a story about pirates and knights. It's written by an 8 year old. I hope you enjoy it!
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  • Practice Pays Off
    A story about learning to play rhythms, practicing, and eventually succeeding with the help of others.
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  • Gender Equality Matters
    This is a book about Gender Equality and it's importance. I wanted to share my viewpoint with everyone and so I made this. If you read and liked it, please do share it with o…
  • I can't pay attention to my teacher !
    Katie's grades are dropping, so she talks to her teacher and they discover she has ADHD. With treatment, Katie's grades improve.
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  • Avoiding Gender Bias 避免性别偏见/避免性別偏見
    4~6 Grader Students‘ PBL Project
    School PBL Theme:Social Justice
    4~6th grader focus on Gender Bias
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  • Genders
    This story provides definitions and examples of the four types of gender: masculine, feminine, common, and neuter.
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  • Science Club
    Samantha and Emily are best friends who love science. When Emily is told she can't be a scientist because she's a girl, Samantha helps her start a STEM club to fight gender i…
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