Generations Books

  • That's A Good One Grandpa Written by Babs Dempsey
    Grandpa loves to share stories. His grandson learns about life as they laugh and grow while building a beautiful relationship
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    A story about my mother in law, and the blessing that she is to our family.
  • When WaWa Was Little
    A little boy spends time with his grandmother, WaWa, and learns about her childhood and their family history.
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    An informational book about Pokemon, including their types, moves, catching methods, legendary status, gym battles, evolutions, generations, and creation.
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
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  • God Sure Looks Good On Them
    The Powell Women is a poem that celebrates the lives of three generations of women in the Powell family, highlighting their love for God and their families.
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  • Emilia and Her Colorful Blanket
    Emilia, a young girl in a small village, cherishes a colorful blanket given to her by her grandma.
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  • The Love that Grew!
    The story of how Love made everything grow! A must read with loved ones enjoy!
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