Genetic Disorders Books

  • The Genetic Disorder Dilemma
    Adam and Damian learn about sickle cell anemia and genetic disorders while playing in the park.
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  • Zebras Are People Too
    This is a story of a young girl navigating through life with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder causing joint pain and migraines. She experiences the challenges…
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  • Abraham and Tay-Sachs
    Abraham, a 12-year-old Jewish boy with Tay-Sachs disease, seeks to learn more about the disease and find a cure. He visits a genetic disorder specialist who educates him on t…
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  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease
    Three families in a small town have newborns diagnosed with Maple Syrup Urine Disease. They learn it's an inherited genetic disorder and must monitor their children's diet.
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  • Twelve Fingers?
    A book about Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that causes dwarfism and other health problems.
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  • Phenylketonuria
    An informative book about Phenylketonuria (PKU), a genetic disorder that affects the body's ability to process phenylalanine. It covers symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and su…
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    Allie, a girl with Down Syndrome, faces bullying at school but her teacher educates the classmates about the disorder, leading to acceptance and friendship.
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  • Albinism is Beautiful
    The beauty of albinism and the uniqueness. Learn a little bit about people with albinism.
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