Genius Books

  • The Super Genius
    Genius Guuuuuuuyy!!! He knows everyone and everything. He is a super genius!
  • Super Genious Minion
    Olaf, a scientific genius minion, saves Minionland from Dr. Evil's plan to steal their resources by using the HydroBam, solar panels, and windmills.
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  • Our First Story Book of Animals 我们的第一本动物故事书 by Dr. Foster
    This is a book for young children and for Mandarin learners. Join Barrack as he considers, with the help of a friend, what kind of animal he wants for a pet.
    by ge23
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    Wilton is really struggling at school and so his parents decide to get him a tutor. When all of the best tutors are booked up, Wilton's parents hire a tutor with a unique sty…
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  • Counting by 7s
    'Counting by 7s' is a story about Willow Chance, a 12-year-old genius girl who faces tragedy and finds friendship. She navigates through foster care, school challenges, and p…
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  • Boyle's a Genius!
    Boyle, an alien, visits Earth to learn about gas and discovers Boyle's Law. His friend Wolly is impressed.
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  • Tesla Electrical Genius
    The story follows the life of Nikola Tesla, from his childhood in Croatia to his inventions and contributions to science.
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  • The Universal Genius
    A biography of Leonardo da Vinci, highlighting his life, achievements, and mysteries surrounding his works.
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