Gnome Books

    When the candy making machine at The Candy Shop malfunctions, the gnomes have no choice but to call for help. And that help come comes from a highly unlikely source, Santa Cl…
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  • Why Gnomes Aren't So Great
    Dinosaurcowboyman, a small town dinosaur, moves to Chicago and befriends a can of baking soda. They encounter a gnome and discover Dinosaurcowboyman's magical powers.
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  • Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
    Read book about Rosemary and the gutsy gnomes to defeated the monster that attacked the kingdom of Renosia.
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  • Princess Taylor
    Princess Taylor and a gnome go on an adventure to find the gnome's lost jewels, encountering obstacles along the way.
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  • Jimmy the funny but crazy Gnome
    This is a book i made when i entered for a writing competition!!!!! and the first book I created on storyjumper
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  • The Traveling Christmas Gnomes
    A story about five gnomes who protect a family and travel from one Keeper to another, with the goal of being together.
  • The Pixie and the Gnome
    This story is about a pixie named Pinky who gets trapped in a gnome's house. Will he escape? Read all about it in this story.
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  • Just Another Fairy Tale
    Just as the title suggest it is just a mash up of other stories in to a big fairy tale with a princess,a beast,and a gnome and if you want to know what is going on better get…
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