Good Friday Books

  • Oh no! Rotten Apples.
    A girl named Lillian discovers how being bullied can affect kids in unexpected ways.
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  • Easter Cards Exchange
    Learn about Easter traditions in Poland, including Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Discover how the Christians prepare baskets full of colored egg…
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    Mary and her cat Sparky rely on others during difficult times. Sparky helps Mary choose the right cleaner. The story emphasizes the importance of doing a job well.
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  • Kricket with a K
    An imaginative series of events that lead up to a true retelling of how Makenna got her dream pet - a bearded dragon - who she named "Kricket."
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  • The Case of the Missing Bobcat
    Waylon and his friends solve the mystery of the missing bobcat costume at school, learning the importance of appreciation for all staff members along the way.
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    An informative book about the Christian holiday of Easter, its history, symbols, and traditions.
  • Abraham Lincoln
    This book is about Abraham Lincoln and how he grew up, his accomplishments,and his assassination.
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  • It's time for Easter
    A brief overview of Easter traditions and symbols in different countries, including Poland, Great Britain, and Greece.
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