Government Books

    Political spectrum from a kid's perspective. 8th grade history project. Covers the 9 main forms of government
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  • How a Bill Becomes a Law
    This story explains the process of creating a law in the U.S. government, from the introduction of a bill to its final approval or rejection by the President.
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  • Tell me about the Declaration of Independence
    This is a book to be sure all the young students including all rabbits understand what the Declaration of Independence mean to us
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  • The Bill of Rights
    A brief overview of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, and their importance in protecting individual rights and freedoms.
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  • Ben 10 Fights Against the Government
    Ben discovers a watch that gives him 10 powers to fight bad guys. Each power represents a constitutional amendment.
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  • The 3 Branches of  Government
    A child explains how the Constitution relates to their family, comparing family members to branches of government and chores to separation of powers.
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  • Colorado State Government
    An introduction to the concept of government and its branches, using Colorado as an example. Explains the roles of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches at both t…
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  • Government Under the Sea!
    This is an informative and engaging story about the U.S. government, its structure, and functions. It uses a conversational style to explain complex concepts like the Constit…
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