Grand Opening Books

  • Ni'rell's New Success
    Nirell and Jade work together to open a shoe store called NextDoor Shoes. They find a location, plan a grand opening, and successfully open the store.
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  • The Sacrifice
    Will Dhana and Kundan choose family over desire, or will their want for wealth take over?
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  • My Library
    A girl wakes up excited for the grand opening of her self-designed library.
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  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
  • Christmas 2013
    A family celebrates Christmas and the birth of their new baby girl, Violet Marie, on the same day as Jesus.
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  • Nia's Christmas
    Nia, the only believer in Santa Claus in Yawnsville, invites him to their Christmas party and convinces everyone that he is real.
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  • N&F
    A description of the grand opening of N&F, a place that focuses on nutrition and fitness. It offers various activities and lessons for a healthy lifestyle.
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  • Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park Chapters 13-15 Little Steps... Big Changes
    Hanna and Bess graduate and open a dress shop, with Hanna taking charge of preparations. They are excited for the grand opening!
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