Grasshopper Books

  • The Ant and the Grasshopper
    A grasshopper spends the summer singing while an ant works hard to store food. When winter comes, the grasshopper regrets not preparing.
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  • Harold & Hank
    A re-telling of Aesop's Fable "The Ant and the Grasshopper" -- with a modern twist. Hank the grasshopper plays all day, while his friend Harold toils to save for the future. …
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    just a story for my nieces who asked for a "real unicorn" and a "grasshopper in a jar" for Christmas! :)
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  • Harold & Hank
    The story is a retelling of the classic fable 'The Ant and the Grasshopper'. It follows Hank, a carefree grasshopper, and Harold, a diligent ant. Hank spends his summer playi…
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  • Greta the Grasshopper
    Greta the grasshopper shares her life story, from being a nymph to becoming an adult and laying eggs.
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  • King of the Jungle
    The fate of the jungle rests on a lion and a grasshopper.
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  • Grasshoppers
    This book explores about grasshoppers ! It has some interesting facts too! you may lear a lot! Read more of my books!
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  • The Ant and the Grasshopper
    A Grasshopper and an Ant have different attitudes towards work and preparation for the future.
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