Grassroots Movements Books

  • Code Week 2023
    EU Code Week is a grassroots movement that promotes creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration through programming. Educators from different countries are brainstorming i…
  • Introduction To The American Society
    An introduction to the American voting process, including qualifications for voting, how the president is elected, election days, party symbols, ballot types, influences on v…
  • Strong People Don't Need Strong Leaders
    The story of Ella Josephine Baker, a civil rights activist who fought for social justice and equality in the 1960s.
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  • Saving Water, Saving Lives
    Maya, driven by her concern for the environment, leads a movement to save water from pollution. Her resilience and determination inspire others to join her cause, resulting i…
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    This book provides information on three composting methods: cold compost, worm compost, and bokashi compost. It also discusses the science of fermentation and waste managemen…
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  • ella baker
    This book discusses the struggles faced by Ella Baker during the civil rights movement, including racism, discrimination, and inequality. It highlights her involvement in org…
  • The Adventures of Tide pool Living
    The story is a metaphorical tale about various sea creatures living in a tide pool, each representing different aspects of intersectionality. The wise anemone, Terry, guides …
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  • Reforestation Comparison
    This book discusses the Green Belt Movement in Kenya and the re-greening efforts in the Israeli desert, highlighting the goals, actions, and results of each project.
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