Great Britain Books

  • Great Britain
    A quiz about London and the United Kingdom, covering topics such as history, geography, and culture.
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  • Sofia Takes on Great Britain
    Sophie, a popular and talented third-grader, faces a big move to Great Britain. She initially struggles but eventually makes new friends and adjusts to her new life.
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  • Great Britain
    A travel guide to popular tourist attractions in England, including Stonehenge, Tower of London, Bath, Windsor Castle, Yorkshire, Cambridge, and Lake District National Park.
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  • English-Speaking Countries
    An introduction to English-speaking countries, including Great Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
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  • Christmas in Great Britain
    A description of how Christmas is celebrated in the United Kingdom, including traditions, activities, and the significance of the holiday.
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    A description of Great Britain, including its geography and flag. Information about Big Ben, Madam Tussaud's, and the Natural History Museum in London.
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  • Sights of Great Britain
    A collection of descriptions of famous landmarks in London and the UK, including Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Giant's Causeway, and more.
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  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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