Guatemala Books

  • Don't Worry Eme!
    Worry dolls are a legend from the Mayan culture from Guatemala. I loved collecting them when I was younger. I hope you enjoy the story.
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  • ABC's of Culture: Guatemala
    An informative book that explores the culture, history, and lifestyle of Guatemala. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a new aspect of Guatemalan life, from Art to Zip it…
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    A Guatemalan child shares about important traditions and holidays in their culture, including New Year's Eve, Day of the Virgen of Candelaria, Day of Drinking Water, Dia De S…
  • Guatemala
    Spanish 2 Project
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  • Diego, The Migrant Child
    Diego, a 12-year-old boy from Guatemala, overcomes language barriers and works hard to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor and playing soccer.
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  • My Favorite Guatemalan Celebrations
    A description of various holidays and celebrations in Guatemala, including New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Holy Week, Mother's Day, Teacher's Day, the Coban festival, Nation…
  • Matilde And Her Kangaroo
    A girl named Matilde Zapeta introduces herself, talks about her kangaroo named Rayito, and their adventures in Guatemala and Iceland.
  • Oliver And His Green Dinosaur
    A boy named Oliver Perez from Guatemala describes himself, his pet dinosaur, and their adventures in Spain and Georgia.
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