Handball Books

  • The Brilliant Adventures of Class 5C
    Class 5C gets teleported to different universes based on their abilities. They have adventures in history, basketball, video games, tech, piano, gym, toys, horse riding, art,…
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  • The Fred Lewis Story
    This is the story of how a kid from New York City became a world class handball player and philanthropist.
  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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    An introduction to the game of handball, including its history, rules, and objectives.
  • what inspires me to be the best player
    A young handball player recounts a crucial match and the support of their mother, who serves as their inspiration.
  • Be Yourself and Friends Will Follow
    One girls story of starting a new school and making friends
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  • Francisco's inspiring Journey
    This story centers around the deep friendship and adventures of four boys—João, Pedro, Diogo, and Francisco—living in the idyllic town of Fafe. Despite their strong bond, Fra…
  • Peace is on the way
    Two brothers, leaders of two tribes, compete in a handball game to determine who will rule their father's land. The older brother wins and they peacefully accept the outcome.
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