Happy Books

  • Why am I not happy?
    A little tiger who finds out what true happiness is about.
    Eye Icon 25138
    Star Icon 478
  • Happy Little
    This is the true story of a little Jack Russell terrier's life and how he overcame adversity.
    Eye Icon 6842
    Star Icon 437
  • Happy birthday
    Fluttershy and Rainbowdash go to a picnic, then help set up a surprise birthday party for Rainbowdash. They end the day with a sleepover.
    Eye Icon 2701
    Star Icon 159
  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
    Eye Icon 257656
    Star Icon 10102
  • Emily's Dream of College
    A chicken's dream of going to college and the obstacles she had to face.
    Eye Icon 239026
    Star Icon 5211
  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
    Eye Icon 89750
    Star Icon 3500
  • Christmas at Grandma's
    Timmy surprises his sad Grandma by decorating her house for Christmas, bringing back happy memories and making new ones.
    Eye Icon 11536
    Star Icon 545
  • Ms. Rivard's Colorful Classroom
    Every child is special in their own way and being different is a good thing. It doesn't matter the color of your skin - it matters who you are within!
    Eye Icon 84926
    Star Icon 5014
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