Hardships Books

  • Awesome Pants!
    Joey, a young boy born in Germany, faces hardships after losing his parents. He travels to America, lives in an orphanage, escapes, and eventually becomes the President due t…
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  • The Biography of Rihanna
    A brief biography of Rihanna, covering her early life, career, hardships, and achievements.
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  • The Little Dog Laughed
    People aren't always as nice as they can be and that's Nick. Nick likes to laugh at people during bad times but he goes through some hardships that truly changed him. Read to…
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  • Master Chef Jeff
    This is a story about a chef that creates an amazing flavor of ice cream, and then becomes a Master Chef.
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  • WWI Storybook
    A soldier's account of his experiences in WWI, including battles, hardships, and the impact on Russia.
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  • The Escape from Privation
    The story is a first-person narrative of a young slave named Noah who, along with his sister Anna, endures the hardships of slavery in North America. After the death of their…
  • The Ugly Penguin
    A penguin, considered ugly by others, faces rejection and hardship but eventually transforms into a beautiful penguin and finds happiness.
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