Health Condition Books

  • PRINCESS ANDREINA The story of a princess who overcame her sadness
    This is a (K-3rd Grade) childrens'book that sheds light on mental health. this uplifting story provides information and hope to anyone who is experiencing deep sadness. Expos…
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  • The Adventures of Nursing
    Ever wondered what it would be like in a day and life of a Nurse. Take a look inside and explore...The Adventures of Nursing
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  • Captain Coo's Journey to Health Island
    Captain Coo travels to Health Island, helping animals with various medical conditions. He educates readers on symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • Sia
    The story provides information about the singer Sia, her experiences in the music industry, her wealth, her personal life, and her health condition.
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  • A Real
    Katie and Dalton, both with Cystic Fibrosis, meet online, fall in love, and get married. They live apart due to their health conditions. They die within days of each other, l…
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  • Children in the Industrial Revolution
    A comparison of the lives of poor and rich children during the Industrial Revolution, highlighting their living conditions, education, health, and playtime.
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  • Maxx
    Avalon longed for a dog her whole life. She finally found Maxx, a special puppy, but their time together was short due to his health issues. They cherish the memories and bel…
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  • See Me Help Me Love Me
    Individuals with special needs are defined as those with mental, physical, and language disabilities. The story discusses different types of disabilities and the challenges f…
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