Hebrews Books

    Chapter 3 goes into what happened when some angels came down to live among ancient humans.
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • Jewish High Holidays
    An informative book that introduces the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, explaining their significance, traditions, and customs.
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  • עברי לילדים
    Yahudah wants to teach Hebrew and is happy he learned it. He introduces Hebrew words with their English translations.
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  • Moses & The 10 Commandments
    The story of Moses, a rich pharaoh who frees the Hebrews from slavery and receives the Ten Commandments from God.
  • Hebrew Kings
    A brief description of the three Hebrew kings and their accomplishments, with a mention of personal debt.
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  • Meet My Silly Brother
    A unique story book for children of all ages to treasure. Illustrating two distinct personalities, two brothers express values of kindness and love through words and pictures…
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  • The Start of Civilization
    A travel through time that tells interesting facts about time beginning with the Paleolithic time period all the way up to the ancient Phoenicians.
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