Hector Books

  • Max and Hector Conquer the World
    Max and Hector, two brothers with different skin colors, face bullying at school but learn to celebrate their differences and make friends.
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  • Hector The Dolphin
    A curious dolphin named Hector gets into trouble and learns valuable lessons in this exciting story set in New Zealand.
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  • The Five Lucky Pigs Travel the Earth
    Five Lucky Pigs who travel around the world. They run into a little trouble when they get to Mexico and hope to find their way back home again...
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  • Echo saves the world
    This is a children's book for age 5-11 teaching awareness of our environment and how we all can save the world just by making small changes .
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  • Trojan War
    A retelling of the Trojan War, starting with the goddess Eris causing trouble by giving a golden apple to the most beautiful goddess.
    This is the story of Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a Mexican American Civil Rights activist who fought for equality and inspired many.
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