Historical Sites Books

    La Alhambra and Ephesus are UNESCO sites, showcasing rich history and architecture, attracting millions of tourists for their cultural significance.
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  • Adventure Ahead!
    A group of friends embark on an adventure to Grenada, enjoying the beach, food, historical sites, and beer.
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  • DAVID's Journey From Liverpool to Ganja
    David, an 18-year-old from Liverpool, is on his gap year and travels around the world. He faces some unexpected challenges and ends up in Argentina instead of France. He then…
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    A collection of information about Greek mythology, historical sites, and natural landmarks in Greece.
  • Little-known attractions in London
    A travel guide to London's hidden gems, including parks, bridges, sculptures, and historical sites.
  • Reuniune proiect România
    A group of teachers and students from different countries visit various historical sites in Romania.
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  • Travelling to the United States of America
    Four friends travel to the USA for a holiday, explore historical sites, and help catch thieves, making their trip unforgettable.
  • Diary
    A diary of a person's trip to Athens and Rhodes, exploring historical sites, museums, gardens, and the sea.
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