Holiday Spirit Books

  • A Merry Roblox Christmas
    Dive into the pixelated enchantment of "A Merry Roblox Christmas," a heartwarming tale set in the vibrant world of Robloxia. As snowflakes fall and the landscape transforms i…
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Three Christmas Wishes)
    This magical and fun Christmas story is #4 in the Sisters of Muffin Manor series. Based on true stories and real locations. Enjoy!
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  • The Family
    Molly spends Christmas in the hospital with a broken arm, but her family brings the holiday spirit to her with decorations, music, and love, showing her the true meaning of C…
  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • Celebrations Around the World
    Discover celebrations around the world. How many do you know? How many do you celebrate?
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    Larry is a cranky guy who doesn't like Christmas. It is up to a feisty elf named Samuel to help Larry regain his Christmas spirit.
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  • Chubby And Friends Part 2: The Night Mad Max Stole Xmas
    As Christmas approaches, Mad Max plays a prank by stealing decorations. His friends help him realize the importance of friendship, leading to a festive reunion and a promise …
  • Cookies For Christmas
    In a forest town, everyone prepares for the annual holiday cookie exchange except for the grumpy Bear family. The Mice give them cookies and they finally join in the fun.
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