This book is #4 in 'The Sisters of Muffin Manor' series which is based on true stories of our sister trio and my real historic manor in Iowa. This story is dedicated to our parents who brought the power of God into our home and changed our lives for the better, for all eternity.
Merry Christmas!

Sisters Saylor, Holland, and Tia love every holiday, especially those celebrating
God's blessings and miracles!
The Muffin Manor is decked out for the season. Black Cherry Forest is covered
in a blanket of sparkling snow on this evening full of anticipation and wonder...

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Manor,
all creatures were stirring with food, fun, and laughter...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes they’d be filled with goodies to spare.
The sisters were dressed in their coziest best, while preparing the Manor for the big Christmas-Fest . Ma and the cat, and pa in his hat, sat down with some coffee
to watch the girls wrap.

Where are the sugar cookies?!
When out in the yard there arose such a clatter,
Holland sprang from the floor to check on the matter.
Away to the window she flew like a flash, tore open the shutter,
and threw up the sash!

The moon on the surface of the new-fallen snow
gave the luster of midday to objects below..
when, what to her wondering eyes should appear,
but three sparkling presents, shining right there!
Each with a name tag; one, two, and three, Tia, Holland, and Saylor,
what could they be?

More rapid than cougars, out the girls came..
Saylor hollered at Tia, "Get out of my way!"
"Now girls!" yelled Ma, "Don’t push and don’t fight! There’s one gift for each to open tonight!" On Tia, on Holland, on Saylor, let’s go!
Out to the porch and onto the snow!

The girls snatched their gifts and headed inside,
leaving the bright moon beams to light up the night.
Each gift contained just one single wish..
the sisters had dreamed of receiving just this!
Each wish would grant them one special thing,
to become what they dreamed of when they grew up someday..

When Ma and Pa prayed for their girls that night,
they asked the Lord to help the sisters to do right.

Dear God, please bring me some snacks..

As the cookies were baked and the presents all wrapped,
the sisters headed upstairs with their wish gifts at last!
They sat by the fire and folded their hands,
then each asked God to bless their plans.

When they woke the next day, all had come true! It was Christmas morning, but they were grown up and new!

What the..
Holland had wished to be the
owner of an inn,
as well as a writer of
magic and whim.
Boy did she get it with guests galore, a library for her storybooks
and shining wood floors.
Six bedrooms for rest and a game room for play,
The Mapletown Manor,
a fun place to come stay!
Tia had asked for a yummy sweets shop,
which could also serve as a
cool coffee stop.
A space that’s unique and cozy and warm, a place of refuge
to escape from a storm.
She fixed up her building on the town’s Main Street,
with a hammer, some paint,
and lots of caffeine!
Saylor had prayed for a place
she could share,
the stories she’d written that
encourage with care.
She’d also asked for a kitchen to make
delicious baked goodies for her
readers to take.
A bright yellow cottage for all who could stop, she lovingly named it,
The Bakery Bookshop.

One thing the sisters had not expected,
was the additional blessings that they’d also be given.
God knew that they'd need much more than a place,
to bake and to write and create beautiful space.
He’d heard the parents’ prayers when asking for grace, and knew that they’d someday see joy on each face.
For Holland not only enjoyed her warm inn,
but was also given the sweetest of all men.
Her knight in shining armor, though
later in life,
came along just in time and loved her with might.

This book is #4 in 'The Sisters of Muffin Manor' series which is based on true stories of our sister trio and my real historic manor in Iowa. This story is dedicated to our parents who brought the power of God into our home and changed our lives for the better, for all eternity.
Merry Christmas!

Sisters Saylor, Holland, and Tia love every holiday, especially those celebrating
God's blessings and miracles!
The Muffin Manor is decked out for the season. Black Cherry Forest is covered
in a blanket of sparkling snow on this evening full of anticipation and wonder...

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Manor,
all creatures were stirring with food, fun, and laughter...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes they’d be filled with goodies to spare.
The sisters were dressed in their coziest best, while preparing the Manor for the big Christmas-Fest . Ma and the cat, and pa in his hat, sat down with some coffee
to watch the girls wrap.

- END >
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