This mystery is book #2 in 'The Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. This one is dedicated to my adventurous family who is always ready to have fun and make each holiday special!

The Sisters of Muffin Manor are about to embark on a mysterious adventure like never before.
Their journey begins on a cool and breezy night, two weeks before Halloween. The moon is full, and there's magic in the air..

Saylor, Holland, and Tia live with their parents and cat named Mini-Muffin at Muffin Manor.
The manor is just past Black Cherry Forest, which is very dark and spooky. But the sisters aren't scared of it and even decided it was a perfect night to go camping in the woods.

I'm going to scare the acorns outta them as soon as they fall asleep...

As the night grew darker, the sisters grew braver. They decided to see who could tell the scariest ghost story memory...

Holland told a story about when she was a little girl and got into trouble at school for talking in class. So her parents made her study all night in the dungeon!
She thought it was fun at first because she's a little weird like that, but then all of a sudden she heard a door slam and a slow creaking along the floor boards like something was walking towards her.. but no one was there! She hid underneath her desk and waited, too scared to scream..

Girl we gotta get outta here..

The footsteps grew louder as they moved closer to where Holland and Mini-Muffin were hiding. They both thought something very bad was about to happen to them so Holland screamed as loud as she could and Mini-Muffin hissed her hardest at the invisible monster.
The footsteps stopped so they peeked out from underneath the desk. Nothing was there! They searched the whole dungeon and found nothing at all.
To this day Holland has no idea what, or who caused those creepy noises or why it was coming towards her! Mini-Muffin hates the dungeon and her fur spikes up every time she walks past its door.

Next it was Tia's turn to tell her spooky story. It took place a few years earlier when she was hanging out with her two best friends, Cole and his little sister Lyss. It was Halloween and they were carving pumpkins, their favorite thing to do together each fall!

Tia was having fun digging the guts out of a big pumpkin and Cole was helping his sister carve a scary face when all of a sudden... the lights went out and everything went totally dark, inside and outside!

It was dead silent in the kitchen and all they could see was a creepy black cat in the window and a pumpkin that they'd lit up earlier. But then they noticed a GIANT glowing jack-o-lantern floating through the air in the next room!

Cole went to check out the giant floating jack-o-lantern while the girls hunkered down in the dark kitchen.
Lyss heard a bunch of crinkling and crunching noises and was scared something bad was happening to her
brother, so she flipped on the lights
to see if they'd work.
They came on and everything was lit up again!

The giant floating jack-o-lantern was gone but they found Tia face down in a pile of candy. "Are you ok?" they shouted. "Oh.. yes, hee hee. I just love Halloween candy and when I get nervous I start eating it. I just couldn't stop!" Tia giggled. All was well for the three friends.. other than Tia's gurgling tummy!

She's going to regret that later...
Finally it was Saylor's turn to tell her scariest memory . She began, "It was two years ago when the three of us were decorating milk jugs to look like jack-o-lanterns and putting little lights inside them to line the path to Muffin Manor. You two went inside to get some cider donuts and took forever, as usual. So, I took some of the jugs outside to see if they'd light up in the dark like they were supposed to. They lit up, but every time I would turn to get some more jugs I heard them whispering my name at me! I would turn around quickly to see if they were moving but everything would go silent. This happened three times and I decided to get the heck out of there! I started to run inside to find you two creepy twins but before I got to the door you both appeared out of nowhere, right in front of me!" Tia and Holland laughed like hyenas at the great story Saylor just reminded them of.
It was them whispering her name from the forest, but they'll never tell how they appeared right in front of her....

This mystery is book #2 in 'The Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. This one is dedicated to my adventurous family who is always ready to have fun and make each holiday special!

The Sisters of Muffin Manor are about to embark on a mysterious adventure like never before.
Their journey begins on a cool and breezy night, two weeks before Halloween. The moon is full, and there's magic in the air..

Saylor, Holland, and Tia live with their parents and cat named Mini-Muffin at Muffin Manor.
The manor is just past Black Cherry Forest, which is very dark and spooky. But the sisters aren't scared of it and even decided it was a perfect night to go camping in the woods.

- END >
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