Homestead Act Books

  • Little House on the Prairie
    A report on Laura Ingalls Wilder's life in the prairies of Kansas in the 1880s, including her family, character traits, and extra information.
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  • Westward Expansion
    A brief overview of key events in American history, including the Louisiana Purchase, Homestead Act, Transcontinental Railroad, and conflicts with Native Americans.
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  • All about westward expansion
    A collection of short stories and informational texts about explorers, reasons for going west, ways to travel west, dangers of the journey, life in the west, and outlaws.
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  • Flashback
    A brief overview of post-Civil War events in the United States, including the gold rush, Homestead Act, Indian Removal Act, Wounded Knee, and African American housing challen…
  • Homesteaders in The West
    A family travels to Nebraska to claim land under the Homestead Act of 1862, facing challenges with geography and weather.
  • The Move out West
    A brief overview of the move out West in the 1800s, including reasons like the Gold Rush, cowboys, railroads, the Homestead Act, and farming.
  • Nick berns search for a new start.
    Nick Berns, a man who lost everything, takes a chance on the Homestead Act to rebuild his life in Colorado. He faces challenges, makes new friends, and eventually finds succe…
  • Western expansion
    A brief overview of the settlement of the American West, including the Civil War, miners, railroad workers, Chinese immigrants, and the Homestead Act.
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