Hospitality Books

  • The Brave Girl and Scared Monster
    Who's afraid of whom? Facing our fears can help us conquer them.
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  • Turkish National and Spiritual Values Dictionary ali kağan kaynar
    A book about Turkish values, including love, respect, goodness, responsibility, hospitality, morality, tolerance, and friendship.
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  • Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
    The narrator invites Heather over for the weekend and warns her about their eccentric Aunt Sally's behavior.
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  • Baucis and Philemon
    Jupiter and Mercury test the hospitality of the people in ancient Greece. Only an old couple, Baucis and Philemon, welcome them and are rewarded with a temple and eternal lif…
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  • A trip to Pakistan
    I am Abubakar Alam a student of class 4A and my story tells you about the famous places of my country Pakistan
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  • Daniel's visitor
    Daniel's house becomes a restaurant for visitors connected to the man who brought him a duck, leading to a humorous soup mishap.
    by Onen
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  • Catherine's Story
    The story is a series of diary entries from an intern working at Brentwood Bay Resort & Spa. The intern shares their experiences, lessons learned, and personal growth dur…
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