My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 11
  • A group of boys start polluting a park, causing flowers to die and butterflies to leave. The protagonist takes action and gets the counselor involved to stop the pollution.
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 49
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  • A student learns about the importance of cleanliness and takes action to clean up their neighborhood with the help of friends.
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 168
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  • A brief overview of the Earth, its formation, and the importance of taking care of it.
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 127
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  • My name is Saman and I am a student of class 5b and my story is about beauty of the Earth.
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 19
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  • A fifth-grade student named Samanah Ali Agha shares her exciting family vacation to various scenic destinations in Pakistan.
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 53
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  • I am Abubakar Alam a student of class 4A and my story tells you about the famous places of my country Pakistan
    by faizashah6
    Eye Icon 213
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